Volunteering and
Parent Participation

RHS strives to make parent participation an integral part of the community and flexible enough to accommodate the needs of individual parents.  The majority of our families volunteer for the school at least 2 hours per month.  We are not a co-op where parents are required to give a specific amount of time. However, we do love parent participation and there are many opportunities in which parents can be involved.  

Parent participation is primarily focused in three areas:  

Classroom Volunteering

Classroom volunteering can come in many forms.  You can be trained to be an assistant in the classroom where you would be scheduled every week, or there are other ad hoc volunteer opportunities such as reading to the kids during transition time, chaperoning a field trip or helping out at the family tours. At RHS we always have special projects in process where parents can lend a hand.  Just tell us what you like to do and we will help you find a way to be involved.

RHS Parents Committee

Otherwise known as the "P's Committee", this group focuses on creating a family community, enhancing communication between parents and the school, and supporting the director and teachers in their efforts. Some examples include: teacher appreciation, soccer coaching, room parents, family book production, party hosting, welcome committee, gardening, etc.

Development Committee

This committee leads all fund-raising efforts for the school including our yearly auction.  Whether you are a fundraiser, graphic designer, decorator or just like to plan a party, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved on this fun committee.  This group meets throughout the year and is a great way to get involved.